3 Ways You Can Help Us1 - Report illegal dumping into drains2 - Report mud on the road3 - Notify us of drainage complaintsTo Report any of the above or for more info contact our stormwater program please call
JASON GROH - MS4 Coordinator City of Russell 606-547-5731
10 SIMPLE STEPS 1)Don’t dump anything down storm drains. 2)Use pesticides and fertilizers sparingly. 3)Put litter in its place. 4)Pick up after your pet. 5)Sweep driveways (do not spray wash) 6)Collect yard waste & Keep it out of storm drains. 7)Use a car wash (they recycle dirty water) 8)Recycle used motor oil. 9)Check your car for leaks (fix them!) 10)Have your septic tank inspected every 3-5 years. |
MORE INFO. Www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater Www.epa.ov/owow/nps/kids/ Www.water.nr.state.ky.us/kydes/storm.htm#ms4